Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I am in Greece!

I am in Greece!

Well, after 24 hrs of traveling, I made it to Athens! We rode a bus from Orlando to Miami, flew from Miami to Paris, and then from Paris to Athens. The flight to Paris was a little over 8hrs and we flew Air France. I even learned a few things from flying Air France:
1. The food is generally pretty good. Actually, very good for airline food.
2. They play interesting movies. They played the Justin Bieber movie and "Big Mommas House." I watched the Justing Bieber movie, out of curiosity of course, and found it to be pretty good. Not quite sure what they were thinking with those choices.
3. They mostly have male flight attendants.... who are NOT ugly! That helped the time go by quicker as well. :) Don't judge....
4. When they get on the speaker to say that we are about to go through some turbulance, even though it's in French and sounds pretty, it still sucks to go through trubulance!

When we got to Athens, we were picked up by the couple who are hosting us at the Greek Bible College. Most of the cars and buses are Mercedes so I have to say that we got to ride through Athens in style and comfort. The Bible college where we are staying is so beautiful and well kept. Before we even got moved into our rooms they decided to feed us some of their amazing food. Here are a few things that were waiting for us.

Greece is known for it's olives. They have such a strong flavor.

Isn't is all so colorful and lovely! And SO fresh!
The rest of the day was spent unpacking and trying to stay awake until at least 9p.m. Greece time, which is 7 hrs later than Florida time. This is to help with jet-lag and to get on their schedule faster. I made it until about 8:45 p.m. and then I was DONE! I slept until about 7:45 a.m. today and feel so much better!

Today we awoke to a beautiful breakfast of fresh Greek yogurt and honey, cheese, bread and apricot jam, and coffee!!

This was the big bowl of thick and delicious Greek yogurt and juices and milk.

The honey for the yogurt. Yum!
After breakfast the guests of the students got to go into Athens to get a taste of the public transportation. It was a short time, but just enough to get a small sample of the city. We rode the bus and the metra and could pretty much get anywhere we wanted using these 2 systems. Europe in general does public transportation much better than we do back home.

These types of architectural gems are everywhere. It's crazy to think of how old some of this stuff is.
Me and T-bone right before a delicious lunch. I love that we are here together!
Lunch! Fish (I don't eat fish), fries, salad, and bread.

Some of my favorite things about Greece so far:
*Almost NO humidity! I LOVE not sweating every second.
*We eat outside a lot! Eating outside is one of my favorite things to do!
*I get to see real Olive Trees that have been around for a VERY long time.
*I have seen pottery that is so old it was around in the time of Moses.

Some of my NOT so favorite things about Greece so far:
*Not being able to throw toilet paper in the toilet. Yes, you have to
throw it in the garbage. I will try not to take flushing things for granted at home.
*Greeks like to talk LOUDLY and yell. I have to get used to this. =)

Well, this about covers my first day and a half here. I feel so blessed that I get to be here and experience a new culture and place. Traveling is one of my biggest passions, and I am truly thankful for this time. We are off to a cute little coffee and pastry shop after dinner. I will let you know how it is.

Thanks for the prayers!

Until next time.....


  1. Soo exciting! Love how you shared so far! hehe...things I like...things I dont colorful...hehe. Glad that you are having a great time... you look truly happy. Cant wait to get together with you to relive some of your experiences!

  2. I love that you're getting to share pictures with us and have different experiences while Tiffany is in class. I, too, am so glad that you're there together and can't wait to hear all that God has in store for you both. You are loved and missed!

  3. YAY!!!!! Beautiful Blog, beautiful pictures and a beautiful girl! I love your report and love you! Wrap that fish up in a ziploc baggie and bring it back to me. Can't believe you are there!!!! So so happy :)
