Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Storms, Rainbows, and Wedding Dresses

I feel compelled to write another blog this week because a couple really cool things have happened.  Yesterday, Tiffany and I were sitting in our little living room feeling sorry for ourselves and having a great big pity-party.  I have to be honest, trusting God has been quite hard for me the last few years.  Harder than I really thought actually.  I suppose I have been a little skittish about trusting a God that has allowed me to go thorough a divorce before I was 30 and has allowed a number of other things that have felt very heavy these past few years.  My choice is to believe that He is cruel and He doesn't care about me OR I can believe He is good.  Period. I was under the impression that I have always believed that He is good, but the more I look at it the move I believe that I do not fully trust Him because I'm afraid.  Afraid that He doesn't remember me or that He doesn't have my best interests at heart.  Some people may have an easier time believing that God loves them, but the past few years have been really hard.  So, all that to say, I am finding that trusting God and trusting that He is good  and trusting that He does love me has come to the surface quite rapidly.  I still choose to believe that He is for the trust part! Oh, that He may help me in this area!
So, back to the pity-party.  We were just sitting there chatting while this terrible storm approached.  The sky looked purple and we were wondering how bad we were going to get hit.  I took a picture of the approaching storm. It's crazy how the sun can still shine in some places while the sky can look like this.

The storm came on strong and lasted for a short while. Then out of the darkness the clouds parted and He gave us a gift. A special sign just for us. A sign that He does love us and He will never leave us or forsake us! We ran to get our cameras and this is what we saw.

Can you see it! Oh but it gets better.

It was a full rainbow! I don't know about you, but they are rare to see. I couldn't get a picture of the whole thing because it was still raining and we were stuck on our balcony, but oh it was glorious! Right there in our despair about not having a job and the past few years, God gave us a rainbow. Now that is awesome!

Then today, Tiffany and I decided to go see the movie The Proposal....for the second time. We wanted to see something cute and funny because it was raining and we couldn't go to the pool. We were walking in the mall and we passed a bridal store with dresses in the window. Then we stopped because something caught our eye. In the window, the most BEAUTIFUL wedding dress was displayed so we had to go in. I mean, this dress was something I could not have even made up in my dreams! My heart just fell in love with it and then Tiffany and I just went around and looked at all the dresses. This is something we have not done in a loooonnng time.....dream. Once again, God used a beautiful wedding dress to catch our eye and get us dreaming and hoping again. Hoping that there could be marriage in the future. A marriage that would glorify our God and last to raise children who love Christ and make the world brighter. Oh, He has NOT forgotten me! What a great day this turned out to be!


  1. Nikki,

    Isn't God so good! How nice to be ever so sweetly reminded that we are loved. I think it is great, you going through this valley, for I know that every moment of suffering is an opportunity, if allowed, for us to be chiseled for eternity and to grow in empathy for the sufferings of others. I always look at this verse when I get a little low or feeling sorry for myself or my current situation.

    "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed."

    - 1 Peter 4:12-13

    I love you, and love that you are on what seems to be a great journey written by the most amazing author ever. Keep your head up for you are a part of a beautiful plan. Your "quilt" will shine brighter because of it!

    Thinking of you and wishing you many blessings!


  2. Just more evidence that "God is at work all around us" of the truths from the Experiencing God course. If you've never been through the course, or at least done the workbook on your own, do it! I went through the course probably 10 years ago, and the things I learned still stick with me today. It's really life changing.

  3. I'm smiling with you!! "Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done". Missing and loving you both!

  4. God is amazing. He truly does never leave nor forsake us. When I think of how great His love is, it just leaves me speechless. I am so thankful that you and Tiffany were able to experience this day together. Much love to the two of you. :)

  5. Hey nikki!

    I stopped by your fb page to see how you guys are doing and saw your blog. Loved these pictures and the story about the rainbow! God speaks so personally. amazing. Hope you and Tiffany had a great week. :)

